Alaje from the Pleiades

by Alaje from the Pleiades, October 29, 2009
Published here: Saturday, April 24, 2010 @ 5:26 PM

It doesn’t matter whether you believe this guy is whom he says he is: the message in the video series (1-11) is something everybody on Planet Earth should hear! If we could all take this to heart, there would be no more struggle.

Alaje is a 6th Density light being and a member of the Galactic Federation of Light, incarnated on Earth to help us with our spiritual transformation. He is living in Germany.

Beneath the video, Alaje is answering questions from the viewers. Wes Penre.

Questions and Answers:


Alaje, do you think you can describe the living conditions and atmosphere of the Pleiades?

The people on higher planets are living in oneness with the existence. The higher you go in the dimensions, in the frequency, the lighter everything becomes, so there are living light beings, were everything is pure energy. The Earth is on a very low frequency, were the energy has condensed in a physical form and people have forgotten that everything has its origin in the spiritual. The cosmic consciousness. So, people who have lost the connection to the spirit (God), cannot understand that life (God) is everywhere… They need to develop their consciousness and many life’s, until they can SEE too. They need the experience. You don’t have to convince those people, when they are not ready. Every flower (Human) has another time to blossom… Like i say in the videos, life is everywhere in the universe. Every planet has life, but on different dimensions. On different frequencies. Even Moon and Sun have life. There are many planets who have life on the same frequency as the earth, but most planets are more developed and have life on a higher dimension. That means that there is more cosmic energy and everything is more beautiful, light full. The nature is glowing with sparkles, flowers are making melodies, animals are gentle, everybody is telepathic, there are no lies, no diseases, no aggressiveness.

Many blessing to you Alaje, i have a very important question.
Do you have education in your home planet and how does the education system work?

The Learning never stops. Even in the highest light levels, you can learn something. The education depends on what dimensions the planet is. In most higher planets, the children are learning all the cosmic laws, how life works, and they can choose themselves in what they want to learn more and become a specialist.

Dear Alaje, i have an understanding that even in a high frequency spiritual world, there is always a dark side that opposes light and love. Is that right? Love and thanks :)

No, in the higher dimensions there is no evil. The dark side can’t live in a higher frequency. They are only in these lower dimensions.

I’ve read about a blue skinned race of people that live under ground. Are they human or of another species?

The blue one are human. Even at the Pleiades there are some blue ones because they have a blue Sun.

Ludovica094: Hello Alaje, sorry if i disturb you. I would ask you a question. In the 3rd video you said that Pleiadians have connections with Earth from the past. What did you mean? Which connections?
777ALAJE: I mean, Pleiadians were on planet earth in the past and have influenced many civilizations.

ge0del27: Alaje, you said Pleiadians have a connection with earth from the past. Where pleiadians human just like us before?

777ALAJE: We are still humans. Only in a higher frequency.

sidkraft: Hi Alaje, are we the only beings in this universe using money to live on a planet, which we all were born on. We should not use any money to live on a free planet. On your planet how do people live is it free. Do they have a jobs?

777ALAJE: Yes, there are other Earth-like planets, which are using money too. I am coming from a light dimension, not a physical dimension. And, of course, there is no money, no working for money. In the light dimensions, you have everything you want for free, because you are in harmony with the existence (God) and you are using the divine cosmic energy to create whatever you want.

sidkraft: Hi Alaje, is there a meeting place where all of the Galactic Federation of light beings meet and do you know the name of the place?

777ALAJE: Hello sidkraft, yes, this place is outside of the Earth, in the big mother ships.

KarTaboada: Hi Alaje, in the light dimensions, do you sleep or are you awake all the time?

777ALAJE: Sleep is only necessary in lower dimensions, in order to get cosmic energy. In light dimensions, you can charge with cosmic energy consciously. But, if you like, you can go like in a sleep state, too.

PQ1147: Dear Alaje, your channel is beautiful. Thank you for your information. Is the Earth the weakest link in our Galaxy? And is it the key to the next step consciousness for the whole Galaxy? Oh my friend, i’d like to hear your answers deeply. Please answer me.

777ALAJE: There are many planets like the Earth. Every planet goes through a transformation one day, because that’s evolution. In other words: everybody is first a child, and later an adult…

pineddapplemm:  Dear Alaje, Could you inform me some knowledge about NIBIRU? I think many people may have the same questions as mine. Does NIBIRU have anything to do with the galactic federation of light? Will NIBIRU helps the earth and human beings to evolve? Thank you for your love.

777ALAJE: In the videos i say, there are MANY possibilities. Don’t fix your mind on one possibility, on one planet X or on a fix date. There are many planets, many possibilities, many ways… Concentrate on your inner development, the love frequency in your heart and you are prepared for EVERY situation.

27ge0del: Alaje, is there a 12 planet in our solar system and is it headed our way? And are there living beings on this planet?

777ALAJE: Every solar system has 12 planets, and like I say in my videos, EVERY planet has life, but on different dimensions.

toneytigre: Hello Alaje, i love your videos. I was wondering if you can tell us what you know of ancient civilizations (i.e. Atlantis, Mu).What contributions did they play in the development of the human consciousness? In other words, what do you think was the great learning in this seemingly incessant rise and fall of human civilizations?

777ALAJE: The great learning about those atlantian times was: not to misuse power and cosmic energy. They did it in that time, that’s why they destroyed themselves. They had wars and genetic manipulations. They thought they were gods. This self destruction happens also many times before, in previous civilizations on Earth. They reached an advanced level of technology and then they misused it for wars. Now Earth humans are at a similar level…

toneytigre: If misuse of power led to the downfall of great civilizations over and over again; what would be the “proper” use of power? What do you think is different this time around or are we bound to the same fate as the others?

777ALAJE: The best way is to use cosmic power in a spiritual way. Just like many spiritual humans from other planets are doing. They are in tune with the existence (God).

mariearmone: Alaje, do you think the governments of the world will give us full disclosure before the great transition?

Some things point to some co-operation on their part, and then other actions are questionable to me.

777ALAJE: I hope that they will give the earth population full disclosure. But their will to control looks stronger. Some of them have realized that they did wrong, but are afraid to say something, because they would get attacked from the population AND the secret government. So sometimes, they make something public but anonymous.

But it does not matter what they will do. Important is what YOU will do INSIDE.Your spiritual development, to raise your frequency.

HerkKrivis: Friend why you all Pleiadians don’t want to defeat our government and help Earth humans?

777ALAJE: I have answered this already in my videos. You are in a school here to learn and to grow by mastering experiences. If somebody else does it for you, you have not mastered it and you will have to repeat everything in another life on another planet. You are here to learn to become a galactic human by mastering the lower energies.

ge0del27: Alaje, why is there so much attention for us (Humanity)? Between the good and bad extraterrestrials.

Why where we not allowed to develop on our own? With out interference.

Our spirit came to develop, learn and experience.

Why and how were the bad extraterrestrials able to just to come in and manipulate us?
I only ask because, i cant make sense of it all. Is this type of behavior allowed across the universe in most dimensions, and if so for what purpose?

If humanity can’t evolve properly.

Then how and why is this happening?

777ALAJE: Like every other planet, Earth goes through a growing process, like a child in school. And the souls who mastered the class, can go to the higher class. Mastering spirituality even in a negative environment.

What is happening here on Earth is NOT something that started in these years. This started millions of years ago. Many races came to this planet. There were many, many fights and wars for this planet. Some without humans and some WITH humans. Several high technical developed civilizations on Earth were destroyed in wars.

This EARTH humanity that you see now is NOT the first Earth population.Well, this is what happens in these low dimensions. It’s an experience.Your question, is like you are asking me, why all the Earth humans are not all blond, why is this flower red and the other is yellow or why all the flowers are not blossom at the same time at once…. It’s an experience. Other planets had experiences like this too. In this low dimension, problems are on many planets this EARTH humanity that you see now is NOT the first Earth population.

ge0del27: Alaje, you speak of wars millions of years ago and we are not the first Earth population.
Is that how Atlantis fell? And are we the desendents of Atlantians? Human kind i mean.

777ALAJE: Atlantis was destroyed 12000 years ago. But before Atlantis there were 5-6 more civilitations on Earth. Millions of years ago. Like i say in my videos, Earth humans are here, because there were humans from other planets, visiting the Earth. They brought plants and animals from their planets, who then have mixed on Earth, that’s why there are so many different variations of them on Earth.

pineddapplemm: Dear Alaje, do you know if the newborns in recent years have more awareness than the babies born ten years ago? Do they have a higher frequency? I hope every new generation becomes better with more love to the world. Love and thanks. :)

777ALAJE: Well, not all souls who come to Earth have a higher awareness. But there are some souls like me, who come on Earth by free will, not because they have karmic reasons to solve, but because they want to help to raise the frequency and the consciousness of Earth humans.

KarTaboada: Hi again Alaje :-) I have a problem… In school they are just teaching and they all use linear thinking and they want me to use linear thinking but I don’t. I see how the teachers speak now, and they are filled with negativity and they just use worlds that brainwash you unconsciously, and they make you think that you are dumb if you do not follow what they are asking… It is truly unbelievable… Do you have any suggestions?

777ALAJE: Well KarTaboada, i made all the Earth experiences, too, so i will know how everybody feels by living in Earth society. When i was in school, no brainwash could stop me from going the way of light. I did some things they wanted just to keep them satisfied, because i knew that it in a view years, i would leave school anyway. When teachers were angry, i told them to keep their aggressiveness for them self. I was teaching them how to behave. And after school, i was concentrating on my spiritual path. I had always my energy on the important things in life.

enrirod69: Dear alaje, i have a great question for you. Can you tell me about the God name Jehovah, who he is thank you in advance? For me is very important.

777ALAJE: Jehovah was an extraterrestrial, who was on Earth thousands of years ago and wanted to be worshiped like a God. And some Earth humans are still worshiping him today; because they believe blindly old believe systems.

AlphaRevelation: Hello ALAJE, what planet does the God of the bible comes from. It seems its activity must have stopped. I think he is from Sirius star system.

777ALAJE: No, there were many different races that were playing god.

mcstate513: Hey i would like to know your thoughts about Jesus Christ or (Jmmanual), i here stuff from this guy that who clams has from the united Galactic Federation of Hendon (General Jeremiah) saying, that Jesus has traveled from different planets and in the book “Talibid” of Jmmanual, that he was incarnated by the Pleadians etc. I’m interested in what your thoughts are about him or if there’s any important information we should know about him that we mite know?

777ALAJE: As i say in one of my videos, Jesus is our space brother. He was the sun of an extraterrestrial. He is a spiritual master who had the mission to inform people about the existence.

mcstate513: Hey alaje!! What are your thoughts on the Ashtar Command? Billy Meier states he use to work for the dark forces then he came too the light? Do you have any knowledge on this?

777ALAJE: Billy Meier and all his people are a arrogant cult. He says that he is the only one who has contact with extraterrestrials. In reality, there are THOUSENDS who had contacts. He HAD contacts in the 60’s-70’s, not any more because he gets egoistic. He is against everybody, because he is now manipulated by negative extraterrestrials who pretend to be Pleiadians, but of course they are not. I went to the Meier place in Swiss and i saw that it is a cult that is talking all the time about birth control and they only want the money of the people. There are many extraterrestrials who use the name Ashtar to spread misinformation. The real Ashtar has nothing to do with those channelings or books. The real Ashtar is a light brother.

Ludovica094: Hello Alaje, i would like to know if the abductions by Greys are real. What do they want from us? I notice that they’re interested people who have ”Rh” negative blood group and want to create an hybrid race. Do you know what do they want to do?

777ALAJE: 1. Yes they are. The Greys have destroyed their genetics and they can’t reproduce natural any more. So most of them are clones. Biological robots. Only a view thousand are original. So they did abductions of humans and animals, to steal the DNA to reactivate their DNA. But that did not work because they doesn’t use the spiritual part. The nature of the Greys, especially the Zeta Reticule and the short Greys, is that they do not have deep emotional feelings or compassion. They are in fact extremely curious about all aspects of existence, highly analytical, technology worshippers and are devoided of sentimentality. They look at humans much the same way a farmer looks at his cows, as an inferior species.

2. The Greys were not trustworthy: by 1955 it became obvious that the aliens had deceived Eisenhower and had broken the treaty… The U.S. government got something less than the technology that they had bargained for and found that the abductions exceeded by a million fold than what they had agreed to. The aliens were not submitting any lists of human abductions and on top of that, not all abductees were being returned.

3. There were many a view years ago here but the Galactic Federation throws them out. Some are still working with the Secret Government. When i was a child, they came in my room and grabbed me to take me out. But i fight them with energy and my fist, then they went away. With a strong light energy you can throw the evil out.

And some who are coming from the future are developed and are trying to correct bad things they have done.

Ludovica094: Is possible travel in time? Wow

777ALAJE: Of course time travel is possible. Even the Secret Government is experimenting timetravel. I came also from the future. I life simultaneously in a Earth body and in a spaceship. My consciousness is divided in both bodies.

Ludovica094: Hello Alaje, before you said that you came from the future. I’m curious, i would like to know how will be the Earth in your present. Is it negative or positive (The future)? Bye!

777ALAJE: I came from the future of the Pleiades, not Earth. The future of Earth, like i say in the videos, depends on the energy that the majority of the Earth people will create. That’s why it is important to create spiritual energies.

HerkKrivis: Friend is it true about reptilians that they rule our government? What Pleiadians thinks about occultism, spells and magic is it bad to keep practicing them?

777ALAJE: Yes, reptilians exist and i met some and i chased them away with light energy. They can’t stand love light energy. But don’t concentrate on them. They are not the most important. The most important is the own inner spiritual development. Send your energy to the important things.

HerkKrivis: Hi Alaje, what can you say about horoscopes? Do they really work? Concentrates on important, spiritual things, take responsibility for your life.

777ALAJE: Everybody is an individual and no superstition should tell you how you are and how you should live.

EsotericResearcher: Hello Alaje, if a person meditates once every day generating love and light in their heart… Approximately how long does it take to get their frequency up to where it needs to be? Love and light.

777ALAJE: You cannot calculate spiritual things like a clock. Everybody is an individual and has his own time. I say in the videos, you cannot use the old linear thinking, if you want to understand and live the higher frequencies and dimensions. There you go by feeling and intuition. The properties of the soul, not the Earths mind.

foxhoundviper: Dear Alaje, you mentioned that spherical thinking is very important. Can you please share more about what it is? How to practice spherical thinking?

777ALAJE: This will come naturally, when you are connected with your soul and higher self. Then, you see everything from a higher point of view and higher understanding. You just have to awaken spirituality and love in your heart, using it in your daily life and in meditation. This opens doors to higher energies and spherical thinking.

johannlp: Alaje i wanted to ask you… Is it easier to get certain level of enlightment that allows me to “Travel”, at least in the astral plane? I mean, in what we use to call “Dreams”, than throughout meditation?

(This is i guess my linear perspective and not the spherical one) and if it so, is can be possible that those negative beings confuse me in a way that may fool me and make me any harm or something? Also, how do i know when i am finally making a channeling? I mean, is like hearing the voice inside my head? Or may be something like when you have a thought?

777ALAJE: Many people don’t have these abilities, because the would make mistakes and would harm themselves and others. It is better to let these abilities come in a natural way, when you are wise enough to use these powers or you are not be misused by other entities.

mariearmone: Alaje, in my last residence i would wake up screaming and casting out demons in the name of the Christ. So one time i decided to use a voice recorder. On it you can hear my snoring for an hour or so. And then you can hear something call my name three times. Still i am snoring in the background. Then something says, ”let’s wake her up”. And then i stop snoring and start yelling, asking who, who is it? Get out of my house.

It is very upsetting to hear. When i awoke in the morning, i had no idea what had transpired during the night. Only after listening i did understand, i was under attack from the darkness. Why do they want to hurt us?

Is it because they feed off of our fear? Did the cosmic consciousness make such as these? Where do they come from?

777ALAJE: Yes, those are the lower astral entities, that i am talking in the videos. They feed of fear energy, hate or smokers energy. That’s why i am telling in all my videos to build up the light in your aura. They can’t stand light and love. Once, when i was on a Nepal Mountain, i had a draconian in front of me, with a head of pterosaurs with big red glowing eyes. He started to steel my energy. But then, i shoot him with love energy out of my heart and he disappeared. Love is the biggest power there is.

topocum: Hi Alaje, i’m feeling a little bit stuck with my meditations. Is there anything you would recommend me? What do you think about Pranayama? Is it useful? Love and gratitude to you all.

777ALAJE: Well Topocum, Pranayama is a method to breath Prana, the etheric essence conscious inside. But you don’t have to make it complicated. Earth people tend to make everything complicated, head oriented not heart oriented. If you meditate with the heart by trying to FEEL instead of thinking too much, you can reach higher energies. Just do like i say in my videos. Very simple. Visualize breathing cosmic energy (Prana) in and feel it and then send it to the planet out of your heart. That’s all. Easy and powerful.

enrirod69: My friend alaje i want to ask you an important question. What do you think about Kundalini because that happened to me it is the most beautiful experience happened to me? I want every body experienced that. From the bottom of my heart.

777ALAJE: The Kundalini is activated, when you have enough cosmic energy in your body, through meditation.

KarTaboada: By simple meditation everyday with a lot of love, would that heal my brain from the damage these medications are doing?

777ALAJE: Enough cosmic energy can heal anything.

uberfun19: Alaje at what time are group meditations done, can we organize this so that information is available for all that are interested and also easy to find so that we can just join in daily meditation together? Its much more interesting to do group meditation then does it alone…

777ALAJE: Well, it is not really a specific time necessary, because the energy is working anyway. In higher frequencies, there is no time like on Earth. The people, who are meditating, are meeting together as a souls, as a energy. No matter what Earth time they are meditating. I would say, if everybody meditate before going to sleep, it would be good.

KarTaboada: Hi there Alaje, i just wanted to share something and i would like it if you shared what you think about it (if i am right or wrong). That is, i just woke up and realized the true meaning of “being in harmony with the existence” and that is “No Force” meaning to never force anything and therefore everything will flow the way it should. When you don’t use force you are in harmony with the existence.

777ALAJE: Yes, it is never good to be in any extreme or do any extreme – the best is the GOLDEN MIDDLE.

amilava1: Dear Alaje, i have a question about meditation and was wondering if you could please help with that.

Recently i have heard a following theory and don’t know what to think about it:
If you are developing your spiritual abilities without certain knowledge you will not overcome the border of death and will die. What actually happens is when someone starts to mediate trying to get a cosmic energy?!

The inner biological time is slowing down and that is fine. But, when after meditation you return to the everyday life, the immune system is speeding up again and that causes the beginning of a cancer. That is how many famous masters for instance like Osho and Castaneda have died from cancer. Could you please comment on that? Thank you very much again.

777ALAJE: Hello amilava1, that is wrong thinking. When you are meditating you are getting more and more energy and if you build it up you can use it in your everyday life. You have more energy and more ideas, because you are connected to your soul and higher self. A human dies naturaly when the time is right for the next life.

BTNH24: I hope you don’t mind me asking a lot of questions, but i feel this is a rare opportunity. Do you have any tips for expanding the consciousness or what can assist in astral projection? I’ve always understood these things intellectually, but i haven’t been able to experience it for myself.

777ALAJE: HELLO BTNH24, the answers to your questions are all in the videos. Use love and spiritual light in your meditation, to raise your energy and consciousness. And one day, one life, when your higher self sees that you are ready, you will open new “doors” and you will be able to understand the existence and use the spiritual energy wisely. Everything comes to the right time. You cannot force it. Everything it’s a development process.

KarTaboada: I have another question Alaje, would practicing Kung Fu, not for the fight but for the skill like agility and speed and all that, will it affect my frequencies in an unfavorable way?

777ALAJE: Moving the body and strengthen the muscles is good for the flow of spiritual energy.

foxhoundviper: Dear Alaje, do you know Ami? Is he work with you in the same federation? Do you also use the same logo for the Galactic Federation as Ami does? I saw 3 books about a boy (from Spain) contact with him. It is a very nice story about love and adventure.

777ALAJE: No, I don’t know ami. If your frequency is low, you would be burned from the high frequency of high level beings. In order to be in contact, the frequency must be adjusted.

JANET555552001: Hi Alaje, i’d like to know if being vegetarian is ok for ascension or if vegetarian is the right thing?

777ALAJE: Well, the best is to eat a food with the highest frequency. That you can find in fruits and vegetables

foxhoundviper: Dear Alaje, can you tell me what is the symbol means through out the video?

777ALAJE: The symbol in my videos has to do with sacred geometry that is everywhere around us and inside us. This symbol is opening dimension gates, not only in the outside world, but also in the mind of the people.

So, it is helping people to understand better the information i am talking about in the video, because they get in touch with there inner spirit, their soul

stylerme3: Where the soul going immediately after death? And what going on with her?

777ALAJE: Everybody has a life plan, in which he wants to learn and experience something. When this life plan is done, you leave the planet. This is natural and is happening always like that. Everybody has died in other life’s million times. But, only the physical body. The REAL self, the soul, dies never. Only the physical body that you are wearing, to make some experiences in the physical plane. We are all souls. A soul is a light energy that is saving every experience that you have made in all your lives. Some souls are developing fast and others slow and need many life’s to learn one thing. In every life you have another body, but the soul stays the same. The different bodies are just helping you to make different experiences… Male, female… So when you leave this planet, the physical body dies and you, the soul, is going to the astral plane, where you can watch all you have learned in a life or have not learned and then you decide if were to be born next to continue the learning. There are many planets, many dimensions. You go where your energy is dragging you…your karma. If you have negative energies, you stay a long time in the lower astral worlds, where demons are… usually there are, murders, evil people and smokers… they stay there, until they want to find the path to light and love. Souls, which are emotionally strong connected, meet often in other lives, because they like each other. And in every life they change the roles (Mother, Father, brother, sister, friend…). In other planets, the death of somebody is a happy moment, because they know, that the soul is going to the next step, the next class, to learn more. There is no death, no end. There is only DEVELOPMENT and EVOLUTION. Earth people often are blocking those souls to go on, because of their mourning. Instead, they should let them to go to the light, in order to continue their development.

ge0del28: Hello Alaje, are the ghosts of people in a higher or lower vibration?

777ALAJE: Ghosts are souls from dead people who can’t find the light and are stacked and stranded in the lower astral plane were demons and other negative things are. Usually they were smokers, alcoholics, murders, negative, non spiritual people or people who thought that after death there is the end of everything. They stay for a long time there, going around and looking for help until they find the way to love and light. Some negative people like it there and the stay longer. But those who want to get out, they are looking for help from people on Earth and listening and learning. I had some in my past seminars. They had to learn about reincarnation and how life is functioning in order to find the way to the light. Sometimes i went to old castles and released some souls who were stacked there for hundreds of years. I opened a star gate to the light so they can fly through.

foxhoundviper: Dear Alaje, regarding karma, does it means the bad things i met in my life is the karma that i set up before? How do i deal with it if i don’t even remember what i did before (Past life)? Do we have to settle all karma issues before we can go to higher frequency consciousness? How can we settle our karma?

777ALAJE: Yes, you have to clear bad karma, in order to go in higher dimensions. This is a cosmic law. Otherwise, the higher dimensions would be chaotic and dirty like the lower ones. How to change bad karma in good karma, i am telling in all my videos. To life LOVE.

HerkKrivis: Alaje how can i chose body before reincarnation?

777ALAJE: When you are soul, you have another understanding of life and you know what you need to make experiences. So you are choosing when, were, how to incarnated. There are many planets, many possibilities.

HerkKrivis: How can i remember what i have been before this life, thank you. :)

777ALAJE: There is a reason why you don’t remember past lifes. It would disturb you in making some experiences in this life. You only get information about past lifes, when this information is helping you to master or heal some blockades.

PQ1147: Excuse me, dear Alaje i have a question: did our soul have incarnations in plant and animal? And it is developing soul always, isn’t it?

777ALAJE: Everybody who is human, had in past lifes incarnations in plants and animals.
The soul wants to make EVERY experience: Mineral, plant, animal, human, galactic human and light being.

PQ1147: I don’t know what you mean galactic human, is it a human who live and travel mainly in the Galaxy?

777ALAJE: Yes, live and travel through the Galaxies with a spiritual awareness. Those who are working WITH the existence.

ge0del27: Alaje, why do i feel like i have been in every culture? For example, with different ethnic backgrounds Chinese, Japanese, African, Native American, Euro. When ever i come to contact with any different culture, i feel can relate to them very easily. Like i have been in there place before, very familiar. If you know and can please tell me, i would be very grateful.

777ALAJE: Because you have been in similar cultures on different planets. Not only Earth.

ge0del27: Alaje, on 10.9.2009 they are sending a rocket to the Moon, is there life on our Moon and is our moon a planet too?

777ALAJE: Yes, since the 40’s, there are people on the Moon. They have cities outside and inside in the dark backside of the moon. The Moon is an artificial object that was brought here, when there were wars on Earth, millions of years ago. It was a base station. So there were ruins already when the Secret Government went there. And because it is artificial, that’s why the Moon never spins around and you see only the one side of the moon. It has technology to prevent the Moon from spinning so you don’t see the side with the buildings and spaceships.

foxhoundviper: Dear Alaje, in your 6th video, you said if there is a large purification happens on Earth. Both ships for the light side and dark side will come and we need to distinguish. What is their purpose? Can you share with us?

777ALAJE: I said: “IF” there will be purification necessary. “IF” The Earth people create negative energies, the Earth will clean her self. I also said spiritual thoughts create a spiritual future.

TheTrancy: Why ships from dark side come to save people? You understand, something wrong i think, i am sure you will not be save on their ships…

777ALAJE: TheTrancy, Who told you that the dark side want to save you? They would come to take people away so they can’t be evacuated. But again, if you are spiritually ready, you can distinguish the energies and you can feel where to go. Don’t go by appearance. Go by the energy that the ships have.

foxhoundviper: Beside the country you said, would there be any other places in the world that light workers teach us consciousness?

How about in Asia?

Where can we found meanings of the crop circles symbols?

johannlp: Alaje, is it true that staring images from crop circles in a good resolution is a benefit for me as a human if i can see those crop circles in a meditation state and let the feelings those crop circle give me “flow”?

777ALAJE: 1. 99% of the crop circle Pictograms are made from us with cosmic, electromagnetic energy. The fields are not destroyed, but even improved. The rest of 1% is made of negative people who want to fool other people. They trample the fields so you can see that it is a fake. The stalks are bent and broken and the fields have no energy.

The real pictograms have energy and 3 functions. Some are energetic stimulation for the earth (in the videos, i said that, symbols have energy), some are messages for the humans, first to make them see that there are others in space too, and secondly there are messages that are understood more in the soul, to activate specific knowledge. And some icons are messages for other aliens.

2. Those crop circles that are messages for your soul have to do with sacred geometry. In the etheric plain, you can see geometric 3D figures everywhere out of light who have encoded information.

It is the language of the higher dimensions, too complex to understand with the rational earth mind. But your Soul can understand it. So you have to listen to your soul, in order to understand the message within a symbol.

Everything has those structures in it. Your body, the planets, everything…
Those crop circles are corresponding with the secret geometry in your energy body, and are triggering your awareness and sensitivity for the higher frequencies. The same is happening with the planet, too. It is like acupuncture for the planet.

3. The symbols in crops are projected from the spacecraft or we send small telemeter discs or light balls stimulating with cosmic energy, the earth. It happens in seconds.

Sort of like when you print something with your printer. First it’s only the screen as a graphic and then it is projected at specific points on the paper. For the pictograms instead of ink, it is used cosmic energy that exists everywhere, as all things are made of this energy. I have been at dozens already in England and have eaten the seeds of it. You can feel the energy impact for days in your body and it activates the chakras.

Alaje in YouTube

Qustions & Answers



Alaje, do you think you can describe the living conditions and atmosphere of the Pleiades?


The people on higher planets are living in oneness with the existence. The higher you go in the dimensions, in the frequency, the lighter everything becomes, so there are living light beings, were everything is pure energy. The Earth is on a very low frequency, were the energy has condensed in a physical form and people have forgotten that everything has its origin in the spiritual. The cosmic consciousness. So, people who have lost the connection to the spirit (God), cannot understand that life (God) is everywhere… They need to develop their consciousness and many life’s, until they can SEE too. They need the experience. You don’t have to convince those people, when they are not ready. Every flower (Human) has another time to blossom… Like i say in the videos, life is everywhere in the universe. Every planet has life, but on different dimensions. On different frequencies. Even Moon and Sun have life. There are many planets who have life on the same frequency as the earth, but most planets are more developed and have life on a higher dimension. That means that there is more cosmic energy and everything is more beautiful, light full. The nature is glowing with sparkles, flowers are making melodies, animals are gentle, everybody is telepathic, there are no lies, no diseases, no aggressiveness.


Many blessing to you Alaje, i have a very important question.

Do you have education in your home planet and how does the education system work?


The Learning never stops. Even in the highest light levels, you can learn something. The education depends on what dimensions the planet is. In most higher planets, the children are learning all the cosmic laws, how life works, and they can choose themselves in what they want to learn more and become a specialist.


Dear Alaje, i have an understanding that even in a high frequency spiritual world, there is always a dark side that opposes light and love. Is that right? Love and thanks :)


No, in the higher dimensions there is no evil. The dark side can’t live in a higher frequency. They are only in these lower dimensions.


I’ve read about a blue skinned race of people that live under ground. Are they human or of another species?


The blue one are human. Even at the Pleiades there are some blue ones because they have a blue Sun.

Ludovica094: Hello Alaje, sorry if i disturb you. I would ask you a question. In the 3rd video you said that Pleiadians have connections with Earth from the past. What did you mean? Which connections?

777ALAJE: I mean, Pleiadians were on planet earth in the past and have influenced many civilizations.

ge0del27: Alaje, you said Pleiadians have a connection with earth from the past. Where pleiadians human just like us before?

777ALAJE: We are still humans. Only in a higher frequency.

sidkraft: Hi Alaje, are we the only beings in this universe using money to live on a planet, which we all were born on. We should not use any money to live on a free planet. On your planet how do people live is it free. Do they have a jobs?

777ALAJE: Yes, there are other Earth-like planets, which are using money too. I am coming from a light dimension, not a physical dimension. And, of course, there is no money, no working for money. In the light dimensions, you have everything you want for free, because you are in harmony with the existence (God) and you are using the divine cosmic energy to create whatever you want.

sidkraft: Hi Alaje, is there a meeting place where all of the Galactic Federation of light beings meet and do you know the name of the place?

777ALAJE: Hello sidkraft, yes, this place is outside of the Earth, in the big mother ships.

KarTaboada: Hi Alaje, in the light dimensions, do you sleep or are you awake all the time?

777ALAJE: Sleep is only necessary in lower dimensions, in order to get cosmic energy. In light dimensions, you can charge with cosmic energy consciously. But, if you like, you can go like in a sleep state, too.

PQ1147: Dear Alaje, your channel is beautiful. Thank you for your information. Is the Earth the weakest link in our Galaxy? And is it the key to the next step consciousness for the whole Galaxy? Oh my friend, i’d like to hear your answers deeply. Please answer me.

777ALAJE: Marked as spamThere are many planets like the Earth. Every planet goes through a transformation one day, because that’s evolution. In other words: everybody is first a child, and later an adult…

pineddapplemm: Marked as spamDear Alaje, Could you inform me some knowledge about NIBIRU? I think many people may have the same questions as mine. Does NIBIRU have anything to do with the galactic federation of light? Will NIBIRU helps the earth and human beings to evolve? Thank you for your love.

777ALAJE: Marked as spamIn the videos i say, there are MANY possibilities. Don’t fix your mind on one possibility, on one planet X or on a fix date. There are many planets, many possibilities, many ways… Concentrate on your inner development, the love frequency in your heart and you are prepared for EVERY situation.

27ge0del: Alaje, is there a 12 planet in our solar system and is it headed our way? And are there living beings on this planet?

777ALAJE: Every solar system has 12 planets, and like I say in my videos, EVERY planet has life, but on different dimensions.

toneytigre: Hello Alaje, i love your videos. I was wondering if you can tell us what you know of ancient civilizations (i.e. Atlantis, Mu).What contributions did they play in the development of the human consciousness? In other words, what do you think was the great learning in this seemingly incessant rise and fall of human civilizations?

777ALAJE: The great learning about those atlantian times was: not to misuse power and cosmic energy. They did it in that time, that’s why they destroyed themselves. They had wars and genetic manipulations. They thought they were gods. This self destruction happens also many times before, in previous civilizations on Earth. They reached an advanced level of technology and then they misused it for wars. Now Earth humans are at a similar level…

toneytigre: Marked as spamIf misuse of power led to the downfall of great civilizations over and over again; what would be the “proper” use of power? What do you think is different this time around or are we bound to the same fate as the others?

777ALAJE: The best way is to use cosmic power in a spiritual way. Just like many spiritual humans from other planets are doing. They are in tune with the existence (God).

mariearmone: Alaje, do you think the governments of the world will give us full disclosure before the great transition?

Some things point to some co-operation on their part, and then other actions are questionable to me.

777ALAJE: I hope that they will give the earth population full disclosure. But their will to control looks stronger. Some of them have realized that they did wrong, but are afraid to say something, because they would get attacked from the population AND the secret government. So sometimes, they make something public but anonymous.

But it does not matter what they will do. Important is what YOU will do INSIDE.Your spiritual development, to raise your frequency.

HerkKrivis: Friend why you all Pleiadians don’t want to defeat our government and help Earth humans?

777ALAJE: I have answered this already in my videos. You are in a school here to learn and to grow by mastering experiences. If somebody else does it for you, you have not mastered it and you will have to repeat everything in another life on another planet. You are here to learn to become a galactic human by mastering the lower energies.

ge0del27: Alaje, why is there so much attention for us (Humanity)? Between the good and bad extraterrestrials.

Why where we not allowed to develop on our own? With out interference.

Our spirit came to develop, learn and experience.

Why and how were the bad extraterrestrials able to just to come in and manipulate us?

I only ask because, i cant make sense of it all. Is this type of behavior allowed across the universe in most dimensions, and if so for what purpose?

If humanity can’t evolve properly.

Then how and why is this happening?

777ALAJE: Like every other planet, Earth goes through a growing process, like a child in school. And the souls who mastered the class, can go to the higher class. Mastering spirituality even in a negative environment.

What is happening here on Earth is NOT something that started in these years. This started millions of years ago. Many races came to this planet. There were many, many fights and wars for this planet. Some without humans and some WITH humans. Several high technical developed civilizations on Earth were destroyed in wars.
This EARTH humanity that you see now is NOT the first Earth population.Well, this is what happens in these low dimensions. It’s an experience.Your question, is like you are asking me, why all the Earth humans are not all blond, why is this flower red and the other is yellow or why all the flowers are not blossom at the same time at once…. It’s an experience. Other planets had experiences like this too. In this low dimension, problems are on many planets this EARTH humanity that you see now is NOT the first Earth population.

ge0del27: Alaje, you speak of wars millions of years ago and we are not the first Earth population.

Is that how Atlantis fell? And are we the desendents of Atlantians? Human kind i mean.

777ALAJE: Atlantis was destroyed 12000 years ago. But before Atlantis there were 5-6 more civilitations on Earth. Millions of years ago. Like i say in my videos, Earth humans are here, because there were humans from other planets, visiting the Earth. They brought plants and animals from their planets, who then have mixed on Earth, that’s why there are so many different variations of them on Earth.

pineddapplemm: Dear Alaje, do you know if the newborns in recent years have more awareness than the babies born ten years ago? Do they have a higher frequency? I hope every new generation becomes better with more love to the world. Love and thanks. :)

777ALAJE: Well, not all souls who come to Earth have a higher awareness. But there are some souls like me, who come on Earth by free will, not because they have karmic reasons to solve, but because they want to help to raise the frequency and the consciousness of Earth humans.

KarTaboada: Hi again Alaje :-) I have a problem… In school they are just teaching and they all use linear thinking and they want me to use linear thinking but I don’t. I see how the teachers speak now, and they are filled with negativity and they just use worlds that brainwash you unconsciously, and they make you think that you are dumb if you do not follow what they are asking… It is truly unbelievable… Do you have any suggestions?

777ALAJE: Well KarTaboada, i made all the Earth experiences, too, so i will know how everybody feels by living in Earth society. When i was in school, no brainwash could stop me from going the way of light. I did some things they wanted just to keep them satisfied, because i knew that it in a view years, i would leave school anyway. When teachers were angry, i told them to keep their aggressiveness for them self. I was teaching them how to behave. And after school, i was concentrating on my spiritual path. I had always my energy on the important things in life.

enrirod69: Dear alaje, i have a great question for you. Can you tell me about the God name Jehovah, who he is thank you in advance? For me is very important.

777ALAJE: Jehovah was an extraterrestrial, who was on Earth thousands of years ago and wanted to be worshiped like a God. And some Earth humans are still worshiping him today; because they believe blindly old believe systems.

AlphaRevelation: Hello ALAJE, what planet does the God of the bible comes from. It seems its activity must have stopped. I think he is from Sirius star system.

777ALAJE: No, there were many different races that were playing god.

mcstate513: Hey i would like to know your thoughts about Jesus Christ or (Jmmanual), i here stuff from this guy that who clams has from the united Galactic Federation of Hendon (General Jeremiah) saying, that Jesus has traveled from different planets and in the book “Talibid” of Jmmanual, that he was incarnated by the Pleadians etc. I’m interested in what your thoughts are about him or if there’s any important information we should know about him that we mite know?

777ALAJE: As i say in one of my videos, Jesus is our space brother. He was the sun of an extraterrestrial. He is a spiritual master who had the mission to inform people about the existence.

mcstate513: Hey alaje!! What are your thoughts on the Ashtar Command? Billy Meier states he use to work for the dark forces then he came too the light? Do you have any knowledge on this?

777ALAJE: Billy Meier and all his people are a arrogant cult. He says that he is the only one who has contact with extraterrestrials. In reality, there are THOUSENDS who had contacts. He HAD contacts in the 60’s-70’s, not any more because he gets egoistic. He is against everybody, because he is now manipulated by negative extraterrestrials who pretend to be Pleiadians, but of course they are not. I went to the Meier place in Swiss and i saw that it is a cult that is talking all the time about birth control and they only want the money of the people. There are many extraterrestrials who use the name Ashtar to spread misinformation. The real Ashtar has nothing to do with those channelings or books. The real Ashtar is a light brother.

Ludovica094: Hello Alaje, i would like to know if the abductions by Greys are real. What do they want from us? I notice that they’re interested people who have ”Rh” negative blood group and want to create an hybrid race. Do you know what do they want to do?


1. Yes they are. The Greys have destroyed their genetics and they can’t reproduce natural any more. So most of them are clones. Biological robots. Only a view thousand are original. So they did abductions of humans and animals, to steal the DNA to reactivate their DNA. But that did not work because they doesn’t use the spiritual part. The nature of the Greys, especially the Zeta Reticule and the short Greys, is that they do not have deep emotional feelings or compassion. They are in fact extremely curious about all aspects of existence, highly analytical, technology worshippers and are devoided of sentimentality. They look at humans much the same way a farmer looks at his cows, as an inferior species.

2. The Greys were not trustworthy: by 1955 it became obvious that the aliens had deceived Eisenhower and had broken the treaty… The U.S. government got something less than the technology that they had bargained for and found that the abductions exceeded by a million fold than what they had agreed to. The aliens were not submitting any lists of human abductions and on top of that, not all abductees were being returned.

3. There were many a view years ago here but the Galactic Federation throws them out. Some are still working with the Secret Government. When i was a child, they came in my room and grabbed me to take me out. But i fight them with energy and my fist, then they went away. With a strong light energy you can throw the evil out.
And some who are coming from the future are developed and are trying to correct bad things they have done.

Ludovica094: Is possible travel in time? Wow

777ALAJE: Of course time travel is possible. Even the Secret Government is experimenting timetravel. I came also from the future. I life simultaneously in a Earth body and in a spaceship. My consciousness is divided in both bodies.

Ludovica094: Hello Alaje, before you said that you came from the future. I’m curious, i would like to know how will be the Earth in your present. Is it negative or positive (The future)? Bye!

777ALAJE: I came from the future of the Pleiades, not Earth. The future of Earth, like i say in the videos, depends on the energy that the majority of the Earth people will create. That’s why it is important to create spiritual energies.

HerkKrivis: Friend is it true about reptilians that they rule our government? What Pleiadians thinks about occultism, spells and magic is it bad to keep practicing them?

777ALAJE: Yes, reptilians exist and i met some and i chased them away with light energy. They can’t stand love light energy. But don’t concentrate on them. They are not the most important. The most important is the own inner spiritual development. Send your energy to the important things.

HerkKrivis: Hi Alaje, what can you say about horoscopes? Do they really work? Concentrates on important, spiritual things, take responsibility for your life.

777ALAJE: Everybody is an individual and no superstition should tell you how you are and how you should live.

EsotericResearcher: Hello Alaje, if a person meditates once every day generating love and light in their heart… Approximately how long does it take to get their frequency up to where it needs to be? Love and light.

777ALAJE: You cannot calculate spiritual things like a clock. Everybody is an individual and has his own time. I say in the videos, you cannot use the old linear thinking, if you want to understand and live the higher frequencies and dimensions. There you go by feeling and intuition. The properties of the soul, not the Earths mind.

foxhoundviper: Marked as spDear Alaje, you mentioned that spherical thinking is very important. Can you please share more about what it is? How to practice spherical thinking?

777ALAJE: This will come naturally, when you are connected with your soul and higher self. Then, you see everything from a higher point of view and higher understanding. You just have to awaken spirituality and love in your heart, using it in your daily life and in meditation. This opens doors to higher energies and spherical thinking.

johannlp: Alaje i wanted to ask you… Is it easier to get certain level of enlightment that allows me to “Travel”, at least in the astral plane? I mean, in what we use to call “Dreams”, than throughout meditation?

(This is i guess my linear perspective and not the spherical one) and if it so, is can be possible that those negative beings confuse me in a way that may fool me and make me any harm or something? Also, how do i know when i am finally making a channeling? I mean, is like hearing the voice inside my head? Or may be something like when you have a thought?

777ALAJE: Many people don’t have these abilities, because the would make mistakes and would harm themselves and others. It is better to let these abilities come in a natural way, when you are wise enough to use these powers or you are not be misused by other entities.

mariearmone: Alaje, in my last residence i would wake up screaming and casting out demons in the name of the Christ. So one time i decided to use a voice recorder. On it you can hear my snoring for an hour or so. And then you can hear something call my name three times. Still i am snoring in the background. Then something says, ”let’s wake her up”. And then i stop snoring and start yelling, asking who, who is it? Get out of my house.

It is very upsetting to hear. When i awoke in the morning, i had no idea what had transpired during the night. Only after listening i did understand, i was under attack from the darkness. Why do they want to hurt us?

Is it because they feed off of our fear? Did the cosmic consciousness make such as these? Where do they come from?

777ALAJE: Yes, those are the lower astral entities, that i am talking in the videos. They feed of fear energy, hate or smokers energy. That’s why i am telling in all my videos to build up the light in your aura. They can’t stand light and love. Once, when i was on a Nepal Mountain, i had a draconian in front of me, with a head of pterosaurs with big red glowing eyes. He started to steel my energy. But then, i shoot him with love energy out of my heart and he disappeared. Love is the biggest power there is.

topocum: Hi Alaje, i’m feeling a little bit stuck with my meditations. Is there anything you would recommend me? What do you think about Pranayama? Is it useful? Love and gratitude to you all.

777ALAJE: Well Topocum, Pranayama is a method to breath Prana, the etheric essence conscious inside. But you don’t have to make it complicated. Earth people tend to make everything complicated, head oriented not heart oriented. If you meditate with the heart by trying to FEEL instead of thinking too much, you can reach higher energies. Just do like i say in my videos. Very simple. Visualize breathing cosmic energy (Prana) in and feel it and then send it to the planet out of your heart. That’s all. Easy and powerful.

enrirod69: My friend alaje i want to ask you an important question. What do you think about Kundalini because that happened to me it is the most beautiful experience happened to me? I want every body experienced that. From the bottom of my heart.

777ALAJE: The Kundalini is activated, when you have enough cosmic energy in your body, through meditation.

KarTaboada: By simple meditation everyday with a lot of love, would that heal my brain from the damage these medications are doing?

777ALAJE: Enough cosmic energy can heal anything.

uberfun19: Alaje at what time are group meditations done, can we organize this so that information is available for all that are interested and also easy to find so that we can just join in daily meditation together? Its much more interesting to do group meditation then does it alone…

777ALAJE: Well, it is not really a specific time necessary, because the energy is working anyway. In higher frequencies, there is no time like on Earth. The people, who are meditating, are meeting together as a souls, as a energy. No matter what Earth time they are meditating. I would say, if everybody meditate before going to sleep, it would be good.

KarTaboada: Hi there Alaje, i just wanted to share something and i would like it if you shared what you think about it (if i am right or wrong). That is, i just woke up and realized the true meaning of “being in harmony with the existence” and that is “No Force” meaning to never force anything and therefore everything will flow the way it should. When you don’t use force you are in harmony with the existence.

777ALAJE: Yes, it is never good to be in any extreme or do any extreme – the best is the GOLDEN MIDDLE.

amilava1: Dear Alaje, i have a question about meditation and was wondering if you could please help with that.

Recently i have heard a following theory and don’t know what to think about it:

If you are developing your spiritual abilities without certain knowledge you will not overcome the border of death and will die. What actually happens is when someone starts to mediate trying to get a cosmic energy?!

The inner biological time is slowing down and that is fine. But, when after meditation you return to the everyday life, the immune system is speeding up again and that causes the beginning of a cancer. That is how many famous masters for instance like Osho and Castaneda have died from cancer. Could you please comment on that? Thank you very much again.

777ALAJE: Hello amilava1, that is wrong thinking. When you are meditating you are getting more and more energy and if you build it up you can use it in your everyday life. You have more energy and more ideas, because you are connected to your soul and higher self. A human dies naturaly when the time is right for the next life.

BTNH24: I hope you don’t mind me asking a lot of questions, but i feel this is a rare opportunity. Do you have any tips for expanding the consciousness or what can assist in astral projection? I’ve always understood these things intellectually, but i haven’t been able to experience it for myself.

777ALAJE: HELLO BTNH24, the answers to your questions are all in the videos. Use love and spiritual light in your meditation, to raise your energy and consciousness. And one day, one life, when your higher self sees that you are ready, you will open new “doors” and you will be able to understand the existence and use the spiritual energy wisely. Everything comes to the right time. You cannot force it. Everything it’s a development process.

KarTaboada: I have another question Alaje, would practicing Kung Fu, not for the fight but for the skill like agility and speed and all that, will it affect my frequencies in an unfavorable way?

777ALAJE: Moving the body and strengthen the muscles is good for the flow of spiritual energy.

foxhoundviper: Dear Alaje, do you know Ami? Is he work with you in the same federation? Do you also use the same logo for the Galactic Federation as Ami does? I saw 3 books about a boy (from Spain) contact with him. It is a very nice story about love and adventure.

777ALAJE: No, I don’t know ami. If your frequency is low, you would be burned from the high frequency of high level beings. In order to be in contact, the frequency must be adjusted.

JANET555552001: Marked as spamHi Alaje, i’d like to know if being vegetarian is ok for ascension or if vegetarian is the right thing?

777ALAJE: Marked as spamWell, the best is to eat a food with the highest frequency. That you can find in fruits and vegetables

foxhoundviper: Dear Alaje, can you tell me what is the symbol means through out the video?

777ALAJE: The symbol in my videos has to do with sacred geometry that is everywhere around us and inside us. This symbol is opening dimension gates, not only in the outside world, but also in the mind of the people.
So, it is helping people to understand better the information i am talking about in the video, because they get in touch with there inner spirit, their soul.

stylerme3: Where the soul going immediately after death? And what going on with her?

777ALAJE: Everybody has a life plan, in which he wants to learn and experience something. When this life plan is done, you leave the planet. This is natural and is happening always like that. Everybody has died in other life’s million times. But, only the physical body. The REAL self, the soul, dies never. Only the physical body that you are wearing, to make some experiences in the physical plane. We are all souls. A soul is a light energy that is saving every experience that you have made in all your lives. Some souls are developing fast and others slow and need many life’s to learn one thing. In every life you have another body, but the soul stays the same. The different bodies are just helping you to make different experiences… Male, female… So when you leave this planet, the physical body dies and you, the soul, is going to the astral plane, where you can watch all you have learned in a life or have not learned and then you decide if were to be born next to continue the learning. There are many planets, many dimensions. You go where your energy is dragging you…your karma. If you have negative energies, you stay a long time in the lower astral worlds, where demons are… usually there are, murders, evil people and smokers… they stay there, until they want to find the path to light and love. Souls, which are emotionally strong connected, meet often in other lives, because they like each other. And in every life they change the roles (Mother, Father, brother, sister, friend…). In other planets, the death of somebody is a happy moment, because they know, that the soul is going to the next step, the next class, to learn more. There is no death, no end. There is only DEVELOPMENT and EVOLUTION. Earth people often are blocking those souls to go on, because of their mourning. Instead, they should let them to go to the light, in order to continue their development.

ge0del28: Hello Alaje, are the ghosts of people in a higher or lower vibration?

777ALAJE: Ghosts are souls from dead people who can’t find the light and are stacked and stranded in the lower astral plane were demons and other negative things are. Usually they were smokers, alcoholics, murders, negative, non spiritual people or people who thought that after death there is the end of everything. They stay for a long time there, going around and looking for help until they find the way to love and light. Some negative people like it there and the stay longer. But those who want to get out, they are looking for help from people on Earth and listening and learning. I had some in my past seminars. They had to learn about reincarnation and how life is functioning in order to find the way to the light. Sometimes i went to old castles and released some souls who were stacked there for hundreds of years. I opened a star gate to the light so they can fly through.

foxhoundviper: Marked as spamDear Alaje, regarding karma, does it means the bad things i met in my life is the karma that i set up before? How do i deal with it if i don’t even remember what i did before (Past life)? Do we have to settle all karma issues before we can go to higher frequency consciousness? How can we settle our karma?

777ALAJE: Yes, you have to clear bad karma, in order to go in higher dimensions. This is a cosmic law. Otherwise, the higher dimensions would be chaotic and dirty like the lower ones. How to change bad karma in good karma, i am telling in all my videos. To life LOVE.

HerkKrivis: Alaje how can i chose body before reincarnation?

777ALAJE: When you are soul, you have another understanding of life and you know what you need to make experiences. So you are choosing when, were, how to incarnated. There are many planets, many possibilities.

HerkKrivis: How can i remember what i have been before this life, thank you. :)

777ALAJE: There is a reason why you don’t remember past lifes. It would disturb you in making some experiences in this life. You only get information about past lifes, when this information is helping you to master or heal some blockades.

PQ1147: Excuse me, dear Alaje i have a question: did our soul have incarnations in plant and animal? And it is developing soul always, isn’t it?

777ALAJE: Everybody who is human, had in past lifes incarnations in plants and animals.

The soul wants to make EVERY experience: Mineral, plant, animal, human, galactic human and light being.

PQ1147: I don’t know what you mean galactic human, is it a human who live and travel mainly in the Galaxy?

777ALAJE: Yes, live and travel through the Galaxies with a spiritual awareness. Those who are working WITH the existence.

ge0del27: Alaje, why do i feel like i have been in every culture? For example, with different ethnic backgrounds Chinese, Japanese, African, Native American, Euro. When ever i come to contact with any different culture, i feel can relate to them very easily. Like i have been in there place before, very familiar. If you know and can please tell me, i would be very grateful.

777ALAJE: Because you have been in similar cultures on different planets. Not only Earth.

ge0del27: Alaje, on 10.9.2009 they are sending a rocket to the Moon, is there life on our Moon and is our moon a planet too?

777ALAJE: Yes, since the 40’s, there are people on the Moon. They have cities outside and inside in the dark backside of the moon. The Moon is an artificial object that was brought here, when there were wars on Earth, millions of years ago. It was a base station. So there were ruins already when the Secret Government went there. And because it is artificial, that’s why the Moon never spins around and you see only the one side of the moon. It has technology to prevent the Moon from spinning so you don’t see the side with the buildings and spaceships.

foxhoundviper: Dear Alaje, in your 6th video, you said if there is a large purification happens on Earth. Both ships for the light side and dark side will come and we need to distinguish. What is their purpose? Can you share with us?

777ALAJE: I said: “IF” there will be purification necessary. “IF” The Earth people create negative energies, the Earth will clean her self. I also said spiritual thoughts create a spiritual future.

TheTrancy: Why ships from dark side come to save people? You understand, something wrong i think, i am sure you will not be save on their ships…

777ALAJE: TheTrancy, Who told you that the dark side want to save you? They would come to take people away so they can’t be evacuated. But again, if you are spiritually ready, you can distinguish the energies and you can feel where to go. Don’t go by appearance. Go by the energy that the ships have.

foxhoundviper: Beside the country you said, would there be any other places in the world that light workers teach us consciousness?

How about in Asia?

Where can we found meanings of the crop circles symbols?

johannlp: Alaje, is it true that staring images from crop circles in a good resolution is a benefit for me as a human if i can see those crop circles in a meditation state and let the feelings those crop circle give me “flow”?


1. 99% of the crop circle Pictograms are made from us with cosmic, electromagnetic energy. The fields are not destroyed, but even improved. The rest of 1% is made of negative people who want to fool other people. They trample the fields so you can see that it is a fake. The stalks are bent and broken and the fields have no energy.

The real pictograms have energy and 3 functions. Some are energetic stimulation for the earth (in the videos, i said that, symbols have energy), some are messages for the humans, first to make them see that there are others in space too, and secondly there are messages that are understood more in the soul, to activate specific knowledge. And some icons are messages for other aliens.

2. Those crop circles that are messages for your soul have to do with sacred geometry. In the etheric plain, you can see geometric 3D figures everywhere out of light who have encoded information.

It is the language of the higher dimensions, too complex to understand with the rational earth mind. But your Soul can understand it. So you have to listen to your soul, in order to understand the message within a symbol.
Everything has those structures in it. Your body, the planets, everything…
Those crop circles are corresponding with the secret geometry in your energy body, and are triggering your awareness and sensitivity for the higher frequencies. The same is happening with the planet, too. It is like acupuncture for the planet.

3. The symbols in crops are projected from the spacecraft or we send small telemeter discs or light balls stimulating with cosmic energy, the earth. It happens in seconds.

Sort of like when you print something with your printer. First it’s only the screen as a graphic and then it is projected at specific points on the paper. For the pictograms instead of ink, it is used cosmic energy that exists everywhere, as all things are made of this energy. I have been at dozens already in England and have eaten the seeds of it. You can feel the energy impact for days in your body and it activates the chakras.


Samuel Mast:


15 thoughts on “Alaje from the Pleiades

  1. Frank

    Earth people often are blocking those souls to go on, because of their mourning. Instead, they should let them to go to the light, in order to continue their development.

    Go to the light?? Sounds like contradicting BS to me..

  2. Andrew

    Watching an earth with a humantiy falling to insanity I need to ask myself what is it that makes the effort of deceit so important to keep it up? What are human overlooking which is so important to manipulators to bring it too that level? Seems all to be about money and bad energy.

  3. Baz Bazi

    Hi Alaji, I am very pleased with your video I wach last night for the first time and everithing you said about the univerce and other civilization and how and above answered I already readind it in the Quran are you taking youe information from Quran or it is just a coincidence? what ever it is intresting that you also see what is real. I do have aexperience and I can,t tell anybody because simply they may thinking I am gone mad. I leave my Email if you do have intresting about my aexperience please contact me. Just for example once I had a experience of I was in a land witch had 7 sun. what is your opinion about this?
    I look forward your responce thanks.

  4. Myriam

    Hi Alaje,
    After a personal revelation past year, I believe you and thank you for the great work you are doing. Please keep it up.

  5. Dilan

    Aleje, he tratado de cambiar algunos aspectos de mi vida con el unico objetivo de tener energia positiva e incluso en ocaciones medito, pero algo me esta asustando, en las noches siento que alguien o algo me molesta y eso me tiene austado, podre comunicarme contigo mediante la meditacion para que me puedas ayudar y si es asi como.

  6. Nyulka

    AleJe thanks for you time with us … I have so many question but one of those is …. What is your opinion about bible?…. And why we have dreams… ?

  7. Xavier

    I can’t wait to hear more about the 12 planet systems. With few sources shedding light, there much speculation. I want to make connections like Adom Kadumah (Primal/First Man) is a self sustaining solar blueprint. It was said that the first man was a cosmic body.

  8. allegy or alaje, whatever your name is, should know that we are not stupid. you peddle the new age religion of incarnation. Why do you folks anti christianity and you tend to attack christ so much. None ever speaks against islam or any other religion. this makes us believe in Christ Jesus more.Alaje and co. you can fool some people sometimes but you cannot fool all people all the time.

  9. Darius Revelation

    Do not allow these falsehoods to mislead You. The Truth is much greater than this yet it is full of simplicity. Should You have questions on this or the desire to interview Me to have the details revealed, I shall agree to such. My name is Darius. I chose the name Revelation as it represents what I have offered. I am of Another World and I came here to save both Our Worlds. Contact Me if You desire to know more.

  10. Louis

    Jesus never lived so how could he have been a space brother according to Alaje. The story of Jesus closely resembles that of Horus and others who lived thousands of years before He was born. Horus was the sun and worshiped in those times. To learn more visit or read The Christ Conspiracy by Acharya S and be enlightened.

    1. Maria Wrigley

      Hello Alaje! Finally I found a place where I can talk and ask a question. To begin with I think by this time you have regretted to came to Earth to help us the humans
      I found you about 2 weeks ago. I believe in everything you say. The only thing I dont see the point to go and reincarnated again , go and came back, go and came back……. I am in my sixties and I feel that I was never content with my human brothers, neither with myself. Once I thought that every human being had something good inside themself that just need to find out and bring to the surface. Wrong! I can see destruction near me and far from me. I don’t see compassion, happiness love in most of the humans. Those ones that you trust and think they are good, always they have a hidden agenda of bad things to do with you. I live with those humans brothers and sisters and I am disappointed and I am also
      very tired. Finally I came to a decision. I don’t want to come back to this planet and to no other one. I feel I am a human from Earth and if I dont want to be here I dont want to go to another one too , even if it is a better planet,. That is because I didn’t participate on building it. So, I dont think I deserve to live in a nice place where somebody else built it. Is not fair! It is not in my nature to get what others has built with lots of effort and love!
      I think I give up living in every essence of life.
      My question is: is there anyway for the Higher Being (GOD) make my soul desapear forever? Kill my soul, destroy my Cosmic Energy? Make like I have never existed in any Galaxy.
      Love you all!!! ❤💙💚

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