Dr. Steven Greer’s Response to Stephen Hawking’s Comment on Aliens

by Dr. Stephen Greer, The Disclosure Project, April 26, 2010
Published here: Thursday, April 29, 2010 @ 5:44 AM

Dr. Steven Greer

Wes Penre’s Comment:

It is interesting how Dr. Greer is always attacking everybody who says that aliens, or at least some of them, visiting us are malevolent towards mankind. He did the same to me after he’d released his long video with the 500+ witnesses. I was met with aggression and antagonism when I suggested that we can’t trust that every single alien race coming here is our friend — same treatment was given Project Camelot and others.

This comment from Dr. Greer is a response to a previous post on this blog: “Don’t Talk to Aliens, Warns Stephen Hawking“. I am not in agreement with Hawking either, and believe we have to be very careful when contacting alien species — whether they are from outer space, inter-dimensonal or already here on Earth. It can be extremely hard to distinguish the good intended from their opposites. To be able to do that, the human spirit has to be highly evolved and very psychic, so we can feel out the energies and trust our intuition.

So, like I’ve suggested so many times before, we need to develop our spiritual selves and wake up to what is happening all around us. Our only chance to graduate from this chaotic 3D reality is to evolve spiritually. And there is not much time. Still, we CAN do it!

Steven Greer:

It is unfortunate that Stephen Hawking has added his voice to a growing chorus of xenophobia and fear regarding what he terms “Aliens.”

Secondly, as a scientist, he should know better: Any interstellar civilization would possess such technologies that the meager resources of Earth would be unneeded. If you can travel faster than the speed of light, you can manifest what is needed. Period. Moreover, IF they were hostile- since ETs are already visiting Earth (see http://www.DisclosureProject.org)- this would have been made crystal clear when we detonated the first atomic weapon in 1945. To date, no place on Earth has been invaded or attacked or colonized.

Hawking should refrain from stirring the war-mongering fear pot that attends all things “alien.” And one might ask: Why would he make such statements, unless he is carrying water for the military-industrial-financial complex which profiteers off of the wars that fear breeds?

Steven M. Greer MD
April 26, 2010


More on the Subject:

AOL News: Stephen Hawking’s Alien Warnings Divide UFOlogists